A few game rules:
Each page will be locked. You need to solve each puzzle in order to further through the story.
I would advise opening each page to enter your code in a new tab to avoid any issues should you need to return to the previous page due to an incorrect code. You can do this by clicking on the button that looks like the one in the below example(gameplay will have writing on it). Just right click the mouse on the button and click 'open link in new tab'. [The 'solve button example' will not work as a link, it's just to show you what the solve button looks like on each page].
Have a pen and paper ready to help you write down any information you may need.
This game is designed to be played on a laptop/desktop only. Tablets and mobile phones will not give you any hints.
If you get stuck, have a look at the hints at the bottom of each page. Start on hint 1 and move to hint 2 and so on if you absolutely need to. Hint 1 may be enough to help though. The answer is only there if the hints don't help and you are about to throw your computer across the room. Perseverance is key, like with any escape room.
Have fun. This is not a professional online escape room but a bit of fun. Read the story to help you become immersed in the game (and know what to do).